Virtual World Deck Breakdown

Cards Usage Statistic

Main Deck

SR Rarity
Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan
SR Rarity
Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan
SR Rarity
Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan
Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan
  • ATK:

  • 1500

  • DEF:

  • 1500

If a Level 3 monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned to your field while this card is in your GY (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card as a Tuner, but banish it when it leaves the field, also for the rest of this turn, you can only Special Summon Level/Rank 3 or higher monsters. If this card is banished: You can target 1 of your other banished cards; shuffle it into the Deck. You can only use each effect of "Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan" once per turn.

N Rarity
Virtual World Kirin - Lili
N Rarity
Virtual World Kirin - Lili
N Rarity
Virtual World Kirin - Lili
Virtual World Kirin - Lili
  • ATK:

  • 1800

  • DEF:

  • 600

If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 "Virtual World" card you control; send 1 "Virtual World" card of a different type (Monster, Spell, Trap) from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card, then, you can send 1 "Virtual World" card of the third type from your Deck to the GY, except "Virtual World Kirin - Lili". For the rest of this turn, you can only Special Summon Level/Rank 3 or higher monsters. You can only use this effect of "Virtual World Kirin - Lili" once per turn.

N Rarity
Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji
N Rarity
Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji
N Rarity
Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji
Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji
  • ATK:

  • 1000

  • DEF:

  • 1600

If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 "Virtual World" card you control; send 1 "Virtual World" card of a different type (Monster, Spell, Trap) from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card, then, during the End Phase of this turn, you can add 1 "Virtual World" monster from your GY to your hand, except "Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji". For the rest of this turn, you can only Special Summon Level/Rank 3 or higher monsters. You can only use this effect of "Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji" once per turn.

UR Rarity
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
UR Rarity
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
UR Rarity
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 1800

When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate that effect. ● Add a card from the Deck to the hand. ● Special Summon from the Deck. ● Send a card from the Deck to the GY. You can only use this effect of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" once per turn.

SR Rarity
Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu
SR Rarity
Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu
SR Rarity
Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu
Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu
  • ATK:

  • 1600

  • DEF:

  • 600

If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 "Virtual World" card you control; send 1 "Virtual World" card of a different type (Monster, Spell, Trap) from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card, then, you can add 1 "Virtual World" card of the third type from your Deck to your hand, except "Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu". For the rest of this turn, you can only Special Summon Level/Rank 3 or higher monsters. You can only use this effect of "Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu" once per turn.

R Rarity
Virtual World Roshi - Laolao
R Rarity
Virtual World Roshi - Laolao
R Rarity
Virtual World Roshi - Laolao
Virtual World Roshi - Laolao
  • ATK:

  • 0

  • DEF:

  • 2400

If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 "Virtual World" card you control; send 1 "Virtual World" card of a different type (Monster, Spell, Trap) from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card, then, you can Special Summon 1 "Virtual World" monster from your GY in Defense Position, with a different name than the card sent to the GY, but negate its effects. For the rest of this turn, you can only Special Summon Level/Rank 3 or higher monsters. You can only use this effect of "Virtual World Roshi - Laolao" once per turn.

UR Rarity
Called by the Grave
UR Rarity
Called by the Grave
UR Rarity
Called by the Grave
Spell Quick
Called by the Grave

    Target 1 monster in your opponent's GY; banish it, and if you do, until the end of the next turn, its effects are negated, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of monsters with the same original name.


    UR Rarity
    Dark Ruler No More
    UR Rarity
    Dark Ruler No More
    UR Rarity
    Dark Ruler No More
    Spell Normal
    Dark Ruler No More

      Negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn, also, for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, your opponent takes no damage. Neither player can activate monster effects in response to this card's activation.


      SR Rarity
      Emergency Teleport
      SR Rarity
      Emergency Teleport
      SR Rarity
      Emergency Teleport
      Spell Quick
      Emergency Teleport

        Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Psychic-Type monster from your hand or Deck, but banish it during the End Phase of this turn.


        SR Rarity
        Pot of Desires
        SR Rarity
        Pot of Desires
        SR Rarity
        Pot of Desires
        Spell Normal
        Pot of Desires

          Banish 10 cards from the top of your Deck, face-down; draw 2 cards. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Desires" per turn.


          UR Rarity
          Upstart Goblin
          UR Rarity
          Upstart Goblin
          UR Rarity
          Upstart Goblin
          Spell Normal
          Upstart Goblin

            Draw 1 card, then your opponent gains 1000 LP.

            R Rarity
            Virtual World City - Kauwloon
            R Rarity
            Virtual World City - Kauwloon
            R Rarity
            Virtual World City - Kauwloon
            Spell Normal
            Virtual World City - Kauwloon

              Place 1 "Virtual World Gate" card from your Deck face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone, then you can apply any of the following effect(s) in sequence, based on the number of "Virtual World Gate" cards you control. ● 2+: All "Virtual World" monsters you control gain 200 ATK this turn. ● 3+: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the GY. ● 4: Special Summon up to 4 "Virtual World" monsters with different names from your Extra Deck. You can only activate 1 "Virtual World City - Kauwloon" per turn.

              R Rarity
              Virtual World Gate - Qinglong
              R Rarity
              Virtual World Gate - Qinglong
              R Rarity
              Virtual World Gate - Qinglong
              Spell Continuous
              Virtual World Gate - Qinglong

                You can banish 1 "Virtual World" card from your GY, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; negate its effects until the end of this turn (even if this card leaves the field). You can banish this card from your GY; add 1 "Virtual World" monster from your Deck to your hand, then send 1 card from your hand to the GY. You can only use each effect of "Virtual World Gate - Qinglong" once per turn.

                UR Rarity
                Infinite Impermanence
                UR Rarity
                Infinite Impermanence
                UR Rarity
                Infinite Impermanence
                Trap Normal
                Infinite Impermanence

                  Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; negate its effects (until the end of this turn), then, if this card was Set before activation and is on the field at resolution, for the rest of this turn all other Spell/Trap effects in this column are negated. If you control no cards, you can activate this card from your hand.

                  UR Rarity
                  The Black Goat Laughs
                  UR Rarity
                  The Black Goat Laughs
                  UR Rarity
                  The Black Goat Laughs
                  Trap Normal
                  The Black Goat Laughs

                    Declare 1 Monster Card name; this turn, neither player can Special Summon monsters with that original name, except from the GY. You can banish this card from the GY, then declare 1 Monster Card name; this turn, neither player can activate the effects of monsters on the field with that original name. You can only use 1 "The Black Goat Laughs" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

                    R Rarity
                    Virtual World Gate - Chuche
                    R Rarity
                    Virtual World Gate - Chuche
                    R Rarity
                    Virtual World Gate - Chuche
                    Trap Continuous
                    Virtual World Gate - Chuche

                      You can target 1 face-up card on the field; shuffle 2 of your banished "Virtual World" cards with different names from each other into the Deck, then destroy that card. During your Main Phase: You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Virtual World" monster you control; increase or decrease its Level/Rank by 3 until the end of this turn. You can only use each effect of "Virtual World Gate - Chuche" once per turn.

                      N Rarity
                      Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu
                      N Rarity
                      Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu
                      N Rarity
                      Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu
                      Trap Continuous
                      Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu

                        During the Battle Phase, if you control another "Virtual World Gate" card: You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; change its battle position. During your Main Phase: You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Virtual World" monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but negate its effects, then send 1 card from your hand to the GY. You can only use each effect of "Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu" per turn.

                        Extra Deck

                        R Rarity
                        Invoked Caliga
                        R Rarity
                        Invoked Caliga
                        R Rarity
                        Invoked Caliga
                        DARK 4
                        Invoked Caliga
                        • ATK:

                        • 1000

                        • DEF:

                        • 1800

                        "Aleister the Invoker" + 1 DARK monster If a player's monster effect attempts to activate, none of that player's monsters can activate their effects for the rest of this turn while this card is face-up on the field. Each player can attack with only 1 monster during each Battle Phase.

                        UR Rarity
                        Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                        UR Rarity
                        Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                        UR Rarity
                        Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                        DARK 8
                        Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                        • ATK:

                        • 3000

                        • DEF:

                        • 2500

                        "Dark Magician" + "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" or 1 Dragon Effect Monster Cannot be destroyed by card effects. Neither player can target this card with card effects. During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's original ATK. You can use this effect a number of times per turn up to the number of Normal Monsters used as Fusion Material for this card. Once per turn, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card, and if you do that, this card gains 1000 ATK.

                        UR Rarity
                        Baronne de Fleur
                        UR Rarity
                        Baronne de Fleur
                        UR Rarity
                        Baronne de Fleur
                        WIND 10
                        Baronne de Fleur
                        • ATK:

                        • 3000

                        • DEF:

                        • 2400

                        1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it. Once while face-up on the field, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card. You can only use the previous effect of "Baronne de Fleur" once per turn. Once per turn, during the Standby Phase: You can target 1 Level 9 or lower monster in your GY; return this card to the Extra Deck, and if you do, Special Summon that monster.

                        UR Rarity
                        Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
                        UR Rarity
                        Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
                        UR Rarity
                        Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
                        WIND 8
                        Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
                        • ATK:

                        • 3000

                        • DEF:

                        • 2500

                        1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner Synchro Monsters Once per turn, when another monster's effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that monster, and if you do that, this card gains ATK equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK until the end of this turn. If this card battles an opponent's Level 5 or higher monster, during damage calculation: This card gains ATK equal to the current ATK of the opponent's monster it is battling during that damage calculation only.

                        R Rarity
                        Muddy Mudragon
                        R Rarity
                        Muddy Mudragon
                        R Rarity
                        Muddy Mudragon
                        DARK 6
                        Muddy Mudragon
                        • ATK:

                        • 500

                        • DEF:

                        • 2200

                        1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters This card can be used as a substitute for any 1 Fusion Material whose name is specifically listed on the Fusion Monster Card, but the other Fusion Material(s) must be correct. During your Main Phase, if you control this Synchro Summoned card: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters you control as Fusion Material, including this card. You can only use this effect of "Muddy Mudragon" once per turn.

                        UR Rarity
                        Psychic End Punisher
                        UR Rarity
                        Psychic End Punisher
                        UR Rarity
                        Psychic End Punisher
                        LIGHT 11
                        Psychic End Punisher
                        • ATK:

                        • 3500

                        • DEF:

                        • 3500

                        1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters While your LP are less than or equal to your opponent's, this Synchro Summoned card is unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. Once per turn: You can pay 1000 LP, then target 1 monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; banish them. At the start of the Battle Phase: You can make this card gain ATK equal to the difference in your LP and your opponent's.

                        R Rarity
                        Stardust Charge Warrior
                        R Rarity
                        Stardust Charge Warrior
                        R Rarity
                        Stardust Charge Warrior
                        WIND 6
                        Stardust Charge Warrior
                        • ATK:

                        • 2000

                        • DEF:

                        • 1300

                        1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Stardust Charge Warrior" once per turn. This card can attack all Special Summoned monsters your opponent controls, once each.

                        UR Rarity
                        Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                        UR Rarity
                        Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                        UR Rarity
                        Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                        WATER 10
                        Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                        • ATK:

                        • 3000

                        • DEF:

                        • 3000

                        1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters For each banished card, this card gains 100 ATK/DEF and monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK/DEF. If this card would be destroyed by card effect, you can banish 1 card from your GY instead. If a card(s) is banished (except during the Damage Step): You can banish 1 card each from both your opponent's field and GY. You can only use this effect of "Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying" once per turn.

                        UR Rarity
                        Ultimaya Tzolkin
                        UR Rarity
                        Ultimaya Tzolkin
                        UR Rarity
                        Ultimaya Tzolkin
                        DARK 0
                        Ultimaya Tzolkin
                        • ATK:

                        • 0

                        • DEF:

                        • 0

                        (This card's original Level is always treated as 12.) Cannot be Synchro Summoned. Must be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by sending 2 Level 5 or higher monsters you control with the same Level to the Graveyard (1 Tuner and 1 non-Tuner), and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn, when a Spell/Trap Card(s) is Set on your side of the field (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon 1 "Power Tool" Synchro Monster or 1 Level 7 or 8 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck. Cannot be targeted for attacks or by card effects, while you control another Synchro Monster.

                        SR Rarity
                        Vermillion Dragon Mech
                        SR Rarity
                        Vermillion Dragon Mech
                        SR Rarity
                        Vermillion Dragon Mech
                        FIRE 9
                        Vermillion Dragon Mech
                        • ATK:

                        • 2700

                        • DEF:

                        • 1800

                        1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can banish 1 Tuner from your hand, GY, or face-up field, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it. If this Synchro Summoned card is destroyed by card effect and sent to the GY: You can target 1 of your banished Tuners; add it to your hand.

                        UR Rarity
                        Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
                        UR Rarity
                        Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
                        UR Rarity
                        Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
                        WIND 9
                        Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
                        • ATK:

                        • 2800

                        • DEF:

                        • 2400

                        1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Any card sent from the field to the GY is banished instead. You can only use each of the following effects of "Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen" once per turn. When your monster declares an attack: You can return 1 banished monster to the owner's GY. During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the GY: You can banish 2 other monsters from your GY with different original Types and Attributes from each other; Special Summon this card from your GY.

                        SR Rarity
                        Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
                        SR Rarity
                        Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
                        SR Rarity
                        Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
                        DARK 7
                        Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
                        • ATK:

                        • 2600

                        • DEF:

                        • 2100

                        1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters Cannot be targeted by an opponent's card effects. You can only use each of these effects of "Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing" once per turn. ● You can target 1 "Yang Zing" monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them. ● When this card you control is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to your Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 Wyrm-Type monster from your Deck in Defense Position.

                        SR Rarity
                        Coral Dragon
                        SR Rarity
                        Coral Dragon
                        SR Rarity
                        Coral Dragon
                        WATER 6
                        Coral Dragon
                        • ATK:

                        • 2400

                        • DEF:

                        • 500

                        1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it. If this Synchro Summoned card is sent from the field to the GY: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Coral Dragon" once per turn.

                        SR Rarity
                        Golden Cloud Beast - Malong
                        SR Rarity
                        Golden Cloud Beast - Malong
                        SR Rarity
                        Golden Cloud Beast - Malong
                        LIGHT 6
                        Golden Cloud Beast - Malong
                        • ATK:

                        • 2200

                        • DEF:

                        • 1000

                        1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters If this card is Special Summoned: You can increase or decrease its Level by 1. If this card is sent to the GY: You can target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; return it to the hand. You can only use this effect of "Golden Cloud Beast - Malong" once per turn.

                        Need 21 UR

                        UR Rarity
                        Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon1 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Baronne de Fleur1 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon1 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Psychic End Punisher1 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying1 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Ultimaya Tzolkin1 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen1 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring3 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Called by the Grave2 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Dark Ruler No More2 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Upstart Goblin2 card
                        UR Rarity
                        Infinite Impermanence3 card
                        UR Rarity
                        The Black Goat Laughs2 card

                        Main: 40 Extra: 15

                        SR Rarity
                        2 cardVirtual World Hime - Nyannyan
                        SR Rarity
                        2 cardVirtual World Hime - Nyannyan
                        Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan
                        WIND 3
                        Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan
                        • ATK:

                        • 1500

                        • DEF:

                        • 1500

                        If a Level 3 monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned to your field while this card is in your GY (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card as a Tuner, but banish it when it leaves the field, also for the rest of this turn, you can only Special Summon Level/Rank 3 or higher monsters. If this card is banished: You can target 1 of your other banished cards; shuffle it into the Deck. You can only use each effect of "Virtual World Hime - Nyannyan" once per turn.

                        N Rarity
                        3 cardVirtual World Kirin - Lili
                        N Rarity
                        3 cardVirtual World Kirin - Lili
                        Virtual World Kirin - Lili
                        EARTH 6
                        Virtual World Kirin - Lili
                        • ATK:

                        • 1800

                        • DEF:

                        • 600

                        If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 "Virtual World" card you control; send 1 "Virtual World" card of a different type (Monster, Spell, Trap) from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card, then, you can send 1 "Virtual World" card of the third type from your Deck to the GY, except "Virtual World Kirin - Lili". For the rest of this turn, you can only Special Summon Level/Rank 3 or higher monsters. You can only use this effect of "Virtual World Kirin - Lili" once per turn.

                        N Rarity
                        3 cardVirtual World Xiezhi - Jiji
                        N Rarity
                        3 cardVirtual World Xiezhi - Jiji
                        Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji
                        EARTH 3
                        Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji
                        • ATK:

                        • 1000

                        • DEF:

                        • 1600

                        If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 "Virtual World" card you control; send 1 "Virtual World" card of a different type (Monster, Spell, Trap) from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card, then, during the End Phase of this turn, you can add 1 "Virtual World" monster from your GY to your hand, except "Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji". For the rest of this turn, you can only Special Summon Level/Rank 3 or higher monsters. You can only use this effect of "Virtual World Xiezhi - Jiji" once per turn.

                        UR Rarity
                        3 cardAsh Blossom & Joyous Spring
                        UR Rarity
                        3 cardAsh Blossom & Joyous Spring
                        Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
                        FIRE 3
                        Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
                        • ATK:

                        • 0

                        • DEF:

                        • 1800

                        When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate that effect. ● Add a card from the Deck to the hand. ● Special Summon from the Deck. ● Send a card from the Deck to the GY. You can only use this effect of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" once per turn.

                        SR Rarity
                        3 cardVirtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu
                        SR Rarity
                        3 cardVirtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu
                        Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu
                        WIND 3
                        Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu
                        • ATK:

                        • 1600

                        • DEF:

                        • 600

                        If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 "Virtual World" card you control; send 1 "Virtual World" card of a different type (Monster, Spell, Trap) from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card, then, you can add 1 "Virtual World" card of the third type from your Deck to your hand, except "Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu". For the rest of this turn, you can only Special Summon Level/Rank 3 or higher monsters. You can only use this effect of "Virtual World Mai-Hime - Lulu" once per turn.

                        R Rarity
                        3 cardVirtual World Roshi - Laolao
                        R Rarity
                        3 cardVirtual World Roshi - Laolao
                        Virtual World Roshi - Laolao
                        WIND 6
                        Virtual World Roshi - Laolao
                        • ATK:

                        • 0

                        • DEF:

                        • 2400

                        If this card is in your hand: You can target 1 "Virtual World" card you control; send 1 "Virtual World" card of a different type (Monster, Spell, Trap) from your Deck to the GY, and if you do, Special Summon this card, then, you can Special Summon 1 "Virtual World" monster from your GY in Defense Position, with a different name than the card sent to the GY, but negate its effects. For the rest of this turn, you can only Special Summon Level/Rank 3 or higher monsters. You can only use this effect of "Virtual World Roshi - Laolao" once per turn.

                        UR Rarity
                        2 cardCalled by the Grave
                        UR Rarity
                        2 cardCalled by the Grave
                        Called by the Grave
                        Spell Quick
                        Called by the Grave

                          Target 1 monster in your opponent's GY; banish it, and if you do, until the end of the next turn, its effects are negated, as well as the activated effects and effects on the field of monsters with the same original name.


                          UR Rarity
                          2 cardDark Ruler No More
                          UR Rarity
                          2 cardDark Ruler No More
                          Dark Ruler No More
                          Spell Normal
                          Dark Ruler No More

                            Negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent currently controls, until the end of this turn, also, for the rest of this turn after this card resolves, your opponent takes no damage. Neither player can activate monster effects in response to this card's activation.


                            SR Rarity
                            2 cardEmergency Teleport
                            SR Rarity
                            2 cardEmergency Teleport
                            Emergency Teleport
                            Spell Quick
                            Emergency Teleport

                              Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Psychic-Type monster from your hand or Deck, but banish it during the End Phase of this turn.


                              SR Rarity
                              1 cardPot of Desires
                              SR Rarity
                              1 cardPot of Desires
                              Pot of Desires
                              Spell Normal
                              Pot of Desires

                                Banish 10 cards from the top of your Deck, face-down; draw 2 cards. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Desires" per turn.


                                UR Rarity
                                2 cardUpstart Goblin
                                UR Rarity
                                2 cardUpstart Goblin
                                Upstart Goblin
                                Spell Normal
                                Upstart Goblin

                                  Draw 1 card, then your opponent gains 1000 LP.

                                  R Rarity
                                  3 cardVirtual World City - Kauwloon
                                  R Rarity
                                  3 cardVirtual World City - Kauwloon
                                  Virtual World City - Kauwloon
                                  Spell Normal
                                  Virtual World City - Kauwloon

                                    Place 1 "Virtual World Gate" card from your Deck face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone, then you can apply any of the following effect(s) in sequence, based on the number of "Virtual World Gate" cards you control. ● 2+: All "Virtual World" monsters you control gain 200 ATK this turn. ● 3+: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the GY. ● 4: Special Summon up to 4 "Virtual World" monsters with different names from your Extra Deck. You can only activate 1 "Virtual World City - Kauwloon" per turn.

                                    R Rarity
                                    3 cardVirtual World Gate - Qinglong
                                    R Rarity
                                    3 cardVirtual World Gate - Qinglong
                                    Virtual World Gate - Qinglong
                                    Spell Continuous
                                    Virtual World Gate - Qinglong

                                      You can banish 1 "Virtual World" card from your GY, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; negate its effects until the end of this turn (even if this card leaves the field). You can banish this card from your GY; add 1 "Virtual World" monster from your Deck to your hand, then send 1 card from your hand to the GY. You can only use each effect of "Virtual World Gate - Qinglong" once per turn.

                                      UR Rarity
                                      3 cardInfinite Impermanence
                                      UR Rarity
                                      3 cardInfinite Impermanence
                                      Infinite Impermanence
                                      Trap Normal
                                      Infinite Impermanence

                                        Target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; negate its effects (until the end of this turn), then, if this card was Set before activation and is on the field at resolution, for the rest of this turn all other Spell/Trap effects in this column are negated. If you control no cards, you can activate this card from your hand.

                                        UR Rarity
                                        2 cardThe Black Goat Laughs
                                        UR Rarity
                                        2 cardThe Black Goat Laughs
                                        The Black Goat Laughs
                                        Trap Normal
                                        The Black Goat Laughs

                                          Declare 1 Monster Card name; this turn, neither player can Special Summon monsters with that original name, except from the GY. You can banish this card from the GY, then declare 1 Monster Card name; this turn, neither player can activate the effects of monsters on the field with that original name. You can only use 1 "The Black Goat Laughs" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

                                          R Rarity
                                          2 cardVirtual World Gate - Chuche
                                          R Rarity
                                          2 cardVirtual World Gate - Chuche
                                          Virtual World Gate - Chuche
                                          Trap Continuous
                                          Virtual World Gate - Chuche

                                            You can target 1 face-up card on the field; shuffle 2 of your banished "Virtual World" cards with different names from each other into the Deck, then destroy that card. During your Main Phase: You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Virtual World" monster you control; increase or decrease its Level/Rank by 3 until the end of this turn. You can only use each effect of "Virtual World Gate - Chuche" once per turn.

                                            N Rarity
                                            1 cardVirtual World Gate - Xuanwu
                                            N Rarity
                                            1 cardVirtual World Gate - Xuanwu
                                            Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu
                                            Trap Continuous
                                            Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu

                                              During the Battle Phase, if you control another "Virtual World Gate" card: You can target 1 face-up monster on the field; change its battle position. During your Main Phase: You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 "Virtual World" monster in your GY; Special Summon it, but negate its effects, then send 1 card from your hand to the GY. You can only use each effect of "Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu" once per turn. You can only activate 1 "Virtual World Gate - Xuanwu" per turn.

                                              R Rarity
                                              1 cardInvoked Caliga
                                              R Rarity
                                              1 cardInvoked Caliga
                                              Invoked Caliga
                                              DARK 4
                                              Invoked Caliga
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 1000

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 1800

                                              "Aleister the Invoker" + 1 DARK monster If a player's monster effect attempts to activate, none of that player's monsters can activate their effects for the rest of this turn while this card is face-up on the field. Each player can attack with only 1 monster during each Battle Phase.

                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardRed-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardRed-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                                              Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                                              DARK 8
                                              Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 3000

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 2500

                                              "Dark Magician" + "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" or 1 Dragon Effect Monster Cannot be destroyed by card effects. Neither player can target this card with card effects. During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 monster your opponent controls, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's original ATK. You can use this effect a number of times per turn up to the number of Normal Monsters used as Fusion Material for this card. Once per turn, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can discard 1 card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card, and if you do that, this card gains 1000 ATK.

                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardBaronne de Fleur
                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardBaronne de Fleur
                                              Baronne de Fleur
                                              WIND 10
                                              Baronne de Fleur
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 3000

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 2400

                                              1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it. Once while face-up on the field, when a card or effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card. You can only use the previous effect of "Baronne de Fleur" once per turn. Once per turn, during the Standby Phase: You can target 1 Level 9 or lower monster in your GY; return this card to the Extra Deck, and if you do, Special Summon that monster.

                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardCrystal Wing Synchro Dragon
                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardCrystal Wing Synchro Dragon
                                              Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
                                              WIND 8
                                              Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 3000

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 2500

                                              1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner Synchro Monsters Once per turn, when another monster's effect is activated (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that monster, and if you do that, this card gains ATK equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK until the end of this turn. If this card battles an opponent's Level 5 or higher monster, during damage calculation: This card gains ATK equal to the current ATK of the opponent's monster it is battling during that damage calculation only.

                                              R Rarity
                                              1 cardMuddy Mudragon
                                              R Rarity
                                              1 cardMuddy Mudragon
                                              Muddy Mudragon
                                              DARK 6
                                              Muddy Mudragon
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 500

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 2200

                                              1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters This card can be used as a substitute for any 1 Fusion Material whose name is specifically listed on the Fusion Monster Card, but the other Fusion Material(s) must be correct. During your Main Phase, if you control this Synchro Summoned card: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters you control as Fusion Material, including this card. You can only use this effect of "Muddy Mudragon" once per turn.

                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardPsychic End Punisher
                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardPsychic End Punisher
                                              Psychic End Punisher
                                              LIGHT 11
                                              Psychic End Punisher
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 3500

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 3500

                                              1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters While your LP are less than or equal to your opponent's, this Synchro Summoned card is unaffected by your opponent's activated effects. Once per turn: You can pay 1000 LP, then target 1 monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; banish them. At the start of the Battle Phase: You can make this card gain ATK equal to the difference in your LP and your opponent's.

                                              R Rarity
                                              2 cardStardust Charge Warrior
                                              R Rarity
                                              2 cardStardust Charge Warrior
                                              Stardust Charge Warrior
                                              WIND 6
                                              Stardust Charge Warrior
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 2000

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 1300

                                              1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Stardust Charge Warrior" once per turn. This card can attack all Special Summoned monsters your opponent controls, once each.

                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardSwordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardSwordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                                              Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                                              WATER 10
                                              Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 3000

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 3000

                                              1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters For each banished card, this card gains 100 ATK/DEF and monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK/DEF. If this card would be destroyed by card effect, you can banish 1 card from your GY instead. If a card(s) is banished (except during the Damage Step): You can banish 1 card each from both your opponent's field and GY. You can only use this effect of "Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign - Chengying" once per turn.

                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardUltimaya Tzolkin
                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardUltimaya Tzolkin
                                              Ultimaya Tzolkin
                                              DARK 0
                                              Ultimaya Tzolkin
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 0

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 0

                                              (This card's original Level is always treated as 12.) Cannot be Synchro Summoned. Must be Special Summoned (from your Extra Deck) by sending 2 Level 5 or higher monsters you control with the same Level to the Graveyard (1 Tuner and 1 non-Tuner), and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn, when a Spell/Trap Card(s) is Set on your side of the field (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon 1 "Power Tool" Synchro Monster or 1 Level 7 or 8 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck. Cannot be targeted for attacks or by card effects, while you control another Synchro Monster.

                                              SR Rarity
                                              1 cardVermillion Dragon Mech
                                              SR Rarity
                                              1 cardVermillion Dragon Mech
                                              Vermillion Dragon Mech
                                              FIRE 9
                                              Vermillion Dragon Mech
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 2700

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 1800

                                              1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can banish 1 Tuner from your hand, GY, or face-up field, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it. If this Synchro Summoned card is destroyed by card effect and sent to the GY: You can target 1 of your banished Tuners; add it to your hand.

                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardVirtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
                                              UR Rarity
                                              1 cardVirtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
                                              Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
                                              WIND 9
                                              Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 2800

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 2400

                                              1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Any card sent from the field to the GY is banished instead. You can only use each of the following effects of "Virtual World Kyubi - Shenshen" once per turn. When your monster declares an attack: You can return 1 banished monster to the owner's GY. During your Main Phase, except the turn this card was sent to the GY: You can banish 2 other monsters from your GY with different original Types and Attributes from each other; Special Summon this card from your GY.

                                              SR Rarity
                                              1 cardYazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
                                              SR Rarity
                                              1 cardYazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
                                              Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
                                              DARK 7
                                              Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 2600

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 2100

                                              1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters Cannot be targeted by an opponent's card effects. You can only use each of these effects of "Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing" once per turn. ● You can target 1 "Yang Zing" monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them. ● When this card you control is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to your Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 Wyrm-Type monster from your Deck in Defense Position.

                                              SR Rarity
                                              1 cardCoral Dragon
                                              SR Rarity
                                              1 cardCoral Dragon
                                              Coral Dragon
                                              WATER 6
                                              Coral Dragon
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 2400

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 500

                                              1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters Once per turn: You can discard 1 card, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it. If this Synchro Summoned card is sent from the field to the GY: You can draw 1 card. You can only use this effect of "Coral Dragon" once per turn.

                                              SR Rarity
                                              1 cardGolden Cloud Beast - Malong
                                              SR Rarity
                                              1 cardGolden Cloud Beast - Malong
                                              Golden Cloud Beast - Malong
                                              LIGHT 6
                                              Golden Cloud Beast - Malong
                                              • ATK:

                                              • 2200

                                              • DEF:

                                              • 1000

                                              1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters If this card is Special Summoned: You can increase or decrease its Level by 1. If this card is sent to the GY: You can target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; return it to the hand. You can only use this effect of "Golden Cloud Beast - Malong" once per turn.

                                              VIRTUAL WORLD Decks in MASTER DUEL

                                              Top Packs & Boxes used
